New members are always very welcome. The membership year starts on the 1st June and the annual subscription is just £6 per household.
If you are able to sign a Gift Aid declaration we can reclaim from the Government some of the tax you have paid. It doesn’t matter how you pay your subscription (a Standing Order would be great though) but it is important that we have a signature on the declaration if you are eligible.
For more information about the Group, email John Clachan or just come to the next meeting and join. You can also e-mail for enquiries about membership, family or local Westcott history.
If you would like to join (or rejoin) Westcott Local History Group please print out a copy of the Membership Application form and, when complete, send it with your payment of £6. With the disappearance of banks from the high streets we prefer a Bank Transfer to Lloyds Bank Business Centre Sort Code 30-92-70 and account no. 02004253. Please remember to add your surname as a Reference.
The Secretary can also accept cash or card but has to be in person
John Clachan, Hill Farm Barn, Westcott Heath, Westcott, RH4 3JZ email